Experiential Learning for students using Case-Study Approach
Program Overview
The program is designed to provide a learning experience to the students by scaffolding them through an entire cycle of a real-life case study. It aims to (i) provide an experiential learning opportunity to students by connecting academics to the real-world situations, (ii) develop interdisciplinary understanding and skills related to fieldwork, systematic documentation and analysis and, (iii) strengthen the connect between the community and colleges through curricular work on local problems, such as, drinking water, sanitation, energy, agriculture, markets, public health, transportation, livelihoods, and small enterprises, etc.
Program Content
The program follows case-study approach thereby supports students to identify relevant topics from their surroundings, carryout fieldwork, data collection, documentation, report writing and presentation. It supports teachers to design case study, methodology and analysis. The program methodology includes: i) two 2-day workshops: first (preparatory) at the beginning of the Semester to prepare the faculty and students for field work, and second (final) at the end of the Semester to provide them an opportunity to present their case studies ii) bi-weekly online meetings to prepare the teams for the subsequent stages of their case study work iii) a field visit with the experts iv) guidance and review of the written reports by the experts. The program enables the students to create a portfolio of their own work, which can be a value addition to their biodata. Also, it empowers faculty to conduct similar programs with the subsequent batches of students. The program also serves as a platform for the academia to engage with the society and builds case-studies and faculty guides as a resource for the institution.
Knowledge Partner
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay was established in 1958 and declared as ‘Institution of Eminence in 2016. The vision of IITB is to be a leading global technology university that provides a transformative education to create leaders and innovators, and generates new knowledge for society and industry. Expert faculty from Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA), IIT Bombay have conducted a similar program ‘Unnat Maharashtra Abhiyan’ (UMA) as a joint venture of the Ministry of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra and IITB.

Duration: Semester-long, with two 2-day workshops
Mode: Mixed – Face-to-Face;
Residential and Online
Residential and Online
Eligibility: Open to teachers of all disciplines
Registration Fees: ₹2000 per team (non-refundable)
Get in touch
Center for Evaluation and Assessment
Email: geetanjali.d@msfda.ac.in
Call: 7391000723