Centre for Evaluation and Assessment

The Centre is aimed at complementing and enhancing the working of other Centres and to build capacities in the system for higher quality in assessment and evaluation. The objectives of this Centre will be to develop and promote understanding of graduate competency and learning objective frameworks for different domains of knowledge (including skills, values and practice) to guide and to provide different learning experiences – theoretical knowledge, field based experiences, lab, etc; also  develop faculty capacity to improve quality of assessment and type of assessment task, innovate assessment methodologies To develop ability to enhance validity and reliability of assessment and ensure that assessment addresses inclusion effectively. In addition, the Centre shall carry out designing pre- and post-enrolment surveys to gather data on indicators of success, to conduct sample-based assessments to gauge and monitor quality of student learning and satisfaction.  And use data from existing assessment and evaluation to improve curriculum and review social goals of higher education (including equity, inclusion).

Learning Based Approach to Assessment & Evaluation
Formative Assessment - Scope & Possibilities
Creating Constructivist Classroom
Experiential Learning for students using Case-Study Approach
Holistic Learning
Introduction to Reasoning